Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Quirks of Cassie

You know those things you do that you think nothing of but drive everyone else absolutely crazy? Yeah, they're called quirks. And I just so happen to have several thousand of them. Lucky me (sarcasm). Call me insane (probably another one of my quirks), but I'm going to share a few of them with you. That way we don't all feel alone in our "quirkiness". Holla back? Amen.

Just a disclaimer though: You may be inclined to end our friendship after reading these...

- I brush my teeth when I'm bored. "Hmm...I don't know what to do...I think I'll go brush my teeth." Yeah, it goes something like that. The record is somewhere around ten times a day. Yes, TEN. Judge all you like, it's not gonna change.

- I thrive on procrastination. Literally, THRIVE on it. I know, horrible habit. But I feel like I can't get things done until I wait until the last minute and am under extreme pressure. When I'm under pressure, the rock-star-creative-intelligent-genius-Cassie comes out to get the job done.

- I make up words on the fly. Especially if I'm tired. Watch out.

- I hate this one: I'm a horrible listener. I ask someone a question, and sometimes I don't even listen to the answer! Then they walk away, and I ask myself, "snap! what did they even say?!?!". It's bad, folks. I apologize to those who have personally experienced this quirk of mine.

- I cry a lot. I've been called a "drama queen" more times than I can count. Wooop dee doooo.

- I have a secret obsession with COFFEE. Ok, maybe it's not secret. But it's an obsession. Thing is, it takes me, on average, about two hours to finish a cup of coffee. TWO FLIPPIN HOURS.

- I bought a full out WOOL sweater when I was in 110 degree weather in Mexico. What's up with that? My shopping habits = RIDICULOUS. When I want something, I don't have money. When I have money, I'm a frugal genius that refuses to spend it on anything. And what girl can testify to this: the mall only has cute clothes when we don't have money. Don't even get me started on that one.

- I am the biggest PEOPLE PERSON. I hate being by myself. <------- That's NOT a good thing, folks. Especially if I'm having a bad day, that's when it's worst. I've been known to call my sister in to my room for the sole purpose of having another body in the room for comfort. She doesn't have to talk, nor do I want her to. She just has to be there. I hate being by myself when I want to cry. This can be a major hindrance in my spiritual walk at times..

- Don'tevengetmestartedononewordtexts.Thesehavethepotentialtomakeorbreakourfriendship.Nuffsaid.

- Don't even dare turn on Christmas music before Thanksgiving. Thank you and goodnight! I hate when people start Christmas in July! Yes, I've also been called the grinch on several occasions.

- I cannot wear nice clothes around the house. No way. Not happenin. If I get in to "nice" clothes (and by nice, I mean jeans and a cute shirt) to go out, the first thing I do when I come home is slip right back in to shorts and a t-shirt. Or if it's winter, big sweatpants and a sweatshirt three sizes too big.

- When I drive, I sit as close to the steering wheel as possible. Eyyy, if I ever get in a wreck, that air bag is going to kick the living daylights out of me.

- Night lights? Check NO THANKS. I can't sleep if there is one SLIVER of light in my room! Blinds shut. Door closed (sometimes with a blanket shoved under the crack of space that lets in light at the bottom of the door). And a blanket over that obnoxious green light that from the clock. I sometimes even wish I could find a way to cover the red light on the smoke detector on my ceiling. GEESH! Who is going to want to live with me someday!?

- PUH- LEASE. Do NOT use "text language" when texting me. I h8 when ppl feel the need 2 txt like this. C'mon ppl. Don't talk like this or we will no longer b BFFL's. Thnx.

- I have the attention span of a six year old. Or you could say that I have A.D.D. Call it what you want. Hey, is that a squirrel? (bah haha haha..good joke?....ok, no).

There's plenty more. I just don't want to freak you all out too much at once. And besides, isn't that enough for you to believe me when I say that I am WEIRD?! Or did you already know that?

I love being reminded though, that no matter how many quirks and failures and flaws I may have, I have a God who is bigger and greater than all of them. He wants to use me, DESPITE all my flaws and quirks. Even though I may be a drama queen chatter box grinchy grinch coffee obsessor, He's asking me to play a part in His story. I am honored.

You know what else? Despite all these things I hate about myself, He calls me beautiful and wonderfully made. Dang.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well" Psalm 139:14

1 comment:

Heather Stevens said...

OH MY WORD TELL ME THIS ISN'T FOR REAL! WHY ARE WE SO MUCH ALIKE! THAT'S PROBABLY A BAD THING! I'm reposting this on my blog because it's scary how close it is to things I would say about myself.