Well, another year has come and gone. The end of the year always has a way of sneaking up without me realizing it. As I meditate upon what the year 2010 has brought to me, and even taken away from me, I can't help but sit and be utterly dumbfounded at just how faithful and loving our Lord is. He is so good. All the time. When I contemplate all that the Lord did for me in 2010, I can rest assured that He will again be faithful in 2011. No matter what circumstances and situations that 2011 may bring, He is good and above it all.
2011 was a year full of trials and rejoicings, tears and laughter, blessings and pruning. I was blessed far more than I deserve. The Lord was faithful to grow me and teach me in every moment. Even in those sticky, irritating, and dreadful circumstances, I pushed through because I knew the promise of James 1:2-4. Through our trials and hard times, the Lord is growing us to become more like Him, which is the ultimate goal! So if the trials and heartaches are what it takes to slowly but surely become more like Jesus, I say "bring it on".
"He gives and takes away. He gives and takes away. But my heart will choose to say, Lord blessed be Your name."
My biggest lessons of 2010 consisted of learning:
-that not all relationships are beneficial. End them gracefully before they end in a train wreck.
-you DON'T want things to go the way YOU planned. No, no, no.
- God KNOWS your future plans. He's not trying to hide them from you. Just be still and wait on His perfect timing.
-people will let you down. The Lord never will though.
-I am capable of so much more when I take my focus off of what
I can do and humble myself to nothing, knowing that the LORD is the power and strength behind all my abilities.
Don't mistake me though. 2010 was certainly not all trials and sufferings, not even close! Like I said, I was blessed far more than I deserve. 2010 was a year of growing friendships, new adventures, exciting new steps, and much of worshiping and praising God.
Here are some of my top highlights from 2010:
Helping my best friends get ready for Snowball 2010. |
Entering another great season of Five Star and watching one of my students, Kirstan (above) win the Student of the Year Award. So proud of her. |
Forming an even closer friendship with my best friend, Heather Stevens. Spending countless and endless nights just being silly, giving honest and godly opinions and advice, picking each other up when the other is down, and just looking out for each other :) |
Spending my 17th birthday with my Five Star students. |
Dying my hair blonde...... ;) |
Spending a month of my summer serving the beautiful orphans of Monterrey, Mexico. <3 |
Forming lifelong friends while in Mexico through inseparable bonds of serving the Lord together through every high and low. |
Having God rock my world in a way completely unexpected while in Mexico. His promises stand even when I doubt. |
Seeing the magnificent power and mercy of God through one of the most terrifying events of my life, Hurricane Alex. |
Being broken again for the children in poverty and without parents in Monterrey, Mexico. |
Coming home after one of the greatest months of my life to spend some much needed downtime with the awesome family the Lord has blessed me with. |
Spending a week on vacation with my family in Virginia and Washington D.C.
Starting off a great new season of Five Star at a different school in the fall! Loving getting to know my girls at Discovery. |
Getting glasses to improve my driving abilites. It's the little things in life :) |
Being reminded again on Thanksgiving of all the Lord has blessed me with.
Forming new friendships!
Getting imprisoned....gotcha. Or did I?
Learning how to salsa dance!
Watching my younger siblings grow up.
Witnessing the beautiful wedding of two of the most incredible people I know, Seth and Sarah Bible, alongside my best friends.
Marveling at the Lord's creation.
you dont look good as a blonde...just sayinnnnn
I second dat. I like your brown hair :)
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