Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

As you all know, Hurricane Alex swept through Monterrey, Mexico almost 3 weeks ago now. The damage was severe, but people are starting to get back on their feet again with the help of so many supporters and donations and of course the help of our great and mighty God.
The people of Monterrey are still in need of our prayers though. So I encourage you to keep them in your prayers. Pray that things continue to get better, pray that God will send servants to help, pray that the Spirit fills all the staff and interns with some glorious strength to keep going and finish strong, pray that health is restored and that sickness and illness are defeated and eliminated, pray that out of all this disaster, BEAUTY WILL RISE.
Sorry that I am just now getting around to doing this, but here are some pictures of the damage that Alex left on Rio III.

1 comment:

Adam said...

Hey, love the C.S. Lewis quote! Glad you liked the Video, I enjoyed making it for you. Ady is a special girl, and she is lucky to have you! Cant believe were rounding week 8. will def have to come visit when we get back! tell Ruby Tuesday I said Hi. Peace!